Coffs Harbour, Entertainer, Musician, Weddings, North Coast - Tim Pike

About Tim


Hear Tim Sing

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Introducing Tim Pike

Tim a guitarist with lead vocals and backings he can offer your party, wedding or special occasion a full band sound!

Wether you need dancing or dining music Tim will cater for the night providing just the right music to suit your occasion. Tim’s a local Coffs Harbour based musician that has been playing at venues from Yamba to Port Macquarie for over 25 years and his venues have included Dances, Clubs, Weddings, Hotels and Special Functions.

Tim’s quotes, “I feel there is nothing nicer than to make people happy and to see them dance and enjoy themselves”. Tim said nothing makes his night more satisfying than to achieve this result and he just can’t wait to do it all again the following weekend! He just loves entertaining.


If it is a wedding you are looking for, Tim will be more than happy to sing for you at your wedding.

When you walk down the isle he can play your favourite song, creating a very romantic feel and then later cater for the great dance music during your reception. Tim’s music will ensure your night is truly enjoyed by all as he can provide an array of great music to cater for all ages.

Tim can play light dinner music whilst meals are served and people are chatting. He can also play a special song of your choice, for the bridal waltz and then change to an upbeat tempo when guests are ready to dance the night away!

Tim’s availabilities and bookings are listed on his calendar and are updated as soon as possible.

Clubs & Functions

If it is a gig you want to BOOK now, Tim will be more than happy to sing for you if he is available.

Tim not only has a great range of songs to dance the night away with, he also has some well known interactive party songs such as; the Macarena, Casper Slide, Nut Bush, ketchup, Limbo, Chicken Dance, Superman and YMCA. These songs are really good when you want to get the guests involved and the fun started!

Please check the calendar dates and if the date is not booked then please email your booking enquiry through to him by visiting the Contact TIm section, fill in the booking form and Tim will call you as soon as possible, to discuss the gig requirements, start time and booking fee.